Welcome To DrNewday

DrNewday, was started in the year 2019 in South Africa and now it comes to india. In India The DrNewday is being marketed by the team of Long Life Surgicals And Medicines. The aim of the company is to bridge the gap between the availability of premium quality medical equipments and their demand in the medical fraternity. we are engaged in trading, wholesaling and retailing a wide assortment of Blood Pressure Monitors, Nebulizer Machines, Air Matters etc.

Our Products

Our all products are made of best quality material and with high standard technology, which give accurate results and benefits to patients

  • Blood Pressure Monitor (BPM - 01)

    Blood Pressure Monitor (BPM - 01)
  • Blood Pressure Monitor (BPM - 02)

    Blood Pressure Monitor (BPM - 02)
  • Air Mattress (AM - 01)

    Air Mattress (AM - 01)
  • Nubulizer (NZR - 01)

    Nubulizer (NZR - 01)

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